New Blogger Here! Let me introduce myself!

Aloha fellow bloggers!

I've decided to take a ride and jump on this blogging band wagon that people are crazy about and see just how many people think like me! I want to see what the hype is all about and touch base with my fellow woodworkers (beginner level I might add), refurbish/restorers, and crafters I could reach out to and share some experiences whether it be comical, frustrating, or everything in between.

Since this is my first blog, let me start by introducing myself and sharing a little bit about me. My name is Jessica Ashmore. I'm a wife to an awesome police chief so stress has always been a utilized word in my vocabulary, mother of four wonderful children whom are nearly all grown but seem to come home daily after vowing they would never come back (discipline is such a delicate thing, you know), and a joint business owner with my dad.

My father and I have always enjoyed working in the shop together for as long as I can remember. I have always been a craft fanatic but it wasn't until 2016 when my passion for woodworking and refurbishing came to life. During that time I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor that needed surgical removal due to a condition called apoplexy which is serious and deadly if not caught in time. Up to this point I dabbled in woodworking and selling crafts and holding down a full time job as Deputy Clerk at our county courthouse. So needless to say this type of news didn't settle well. I soon became without a job and wouldn't be able to return to work for sometime. 

Right before surgery I got the genius idea to build a huge bed that I wanted to spend my recovery time in after surgery. Honestly, we needed a new bed. Ours had seen better days and had absolutely no storage but I just didn't want a bed...nope, I wanted towers with storage and outlets to charge our phones and lighting to read by. So my dad and I set out to have this project completed before my scheduled surgery and the rest is history. I was bitten by the bug and decided to pursue my passion. Hence, This -N - That Furniture and Crafts was born.

Isn't she beautiful! A lot of work and time went into this project but even if nothing else came out of the whole thing other than memories I created working with my father, then I've truly been blessed. I will treasure those memories for the rest of my life!

My hobbies, other than than the obvious woodworking and crafting, include restoring furniture or taking discarded furniture and breathing new life into it. Yes, I'm one of those DIYers who isn't afraid to dumpster dive for a diamond in the rough.  I also love diamond painting! I know you know what I'm talking about. Adorable pictures behind a pasty, sticky background where you place 100's if not 1000's of plastic fauceted, resin beads in a color by number or cross stitch fashion. After several hours, days, or months worth of tedious resin placement, you have an absolutely gorgeous picture that shimmers with every direction of light. Yeah, I love that nonsense! Crazy isn't it!

Lastly, I love to cook and bake! You could say I'm a little Betty Crocker in my own right! You can usually count on me to have the homemade candy treats at Christmas time and the elaborate cakes at every occasion. 

My favorite thing to do is meld multiple projects into one! Like my beautiful discarded table I dumpster dived for all decked out with it's diamond painting top! 

These are just a few of the diamond paintings I have completed. Have I peeked your interest yet? 

You can purchase your own kits here! Paint with Diamonds Warning! They are highly addictive! 

 Well that's enough about me! I could go on and on all day talking about me but I got to save something to talk about next time! After all, we just met! Until next time...stay crafty!


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