
All in a Day's Crafting

Hello again, It's Jessica from This - N - That Furniture & Crafts  I love that you landed here on our page and I hope you will stick around and subscribe . This post may contain affiliate links.  I don't know about you but this whole social distancing thing has finally motivated me to work through some crafting projects I've been putting off in hopes of getting ready for my first craft fair. These need some more work but at least they are started which is the first step right? I love to up-cycle and find uses for things people otherwise would discard. For example, the cross below is made from broken jewelry. I think it turned out quite nice. Simple or embellished? I could go either way here! I'm fairly new to wreath making but I'm finding it quiet relaxing! I don't think I have ever come across a crafting project that I didn't like! Remember those diamond paintings I mentioned in my last post? Yeah those!  I utilize my left over beads in

New Blogger Here! Let me introduce myself!

Aloha fellow bloggers! I've decided to take a ride and jump on this blogging band wagon that people are crazy about and see just how many people think like me! I want to see what the hype is all about and touch base with my fellow woodworkers (beginner level I might add), refurbish/restorers, and crafters I could reach out to and share some experiences whether it be comical, frustrating, or everything in between. Since this is my first blog, let me start by introducing myself and sharing a little bit about me. My name is Jessica Ashmore. I'm a wife to an awesome police chief so stress has always been a utilized word in my vocabulary, mother of four wonderful children whom are nearly all grown but seem to come home daily after vowing they would never come back (discipline is such a delicate thing, you know), and a joint business owner with my dad. My father and I have always enjoyed working in the shop together for as long as I can remember. I have always been a craft fana