How to Remove Labels from Glass the Easy Way

Glass Jar Cleanup Done Super Easy!

Hey hey, fellow crafters! Jessica from This - N - That Furniture and Crafts and I'm sharing with you a super easy method of removing all those sticky labels from your glass jars. It's super simple and only takes a few minutes.

I often walk into my craft room and look at my shelf with an abundance of "stuff" sitting there waiting to be utilized for the next craft project only to appear as junk to someone else! Now it has become a normal thing in my house for one of my kids or husband to ask me " Do you need this jar or can I throw it away?" I think I've got them trained. You can turn almost anything into a work of art or a craft! 

In this specific post, I'm going to let you in on how I effortlessly remove those stubborn sticky labels from my jars or other glass pieces I may find at yard and thrift sales. 

Removing labels shouldn't be that big of deal right? I mean it's only a sticker. I've been playing with stickers since I was a small child. Boy, I was wrong! You go to start peeling up that label and all is right in the world and its going smoothly and your happy as a lark complete with a smile then "rip" the label has stopped dead in it's tracks no longer peeling back! Ugh! I hate that when it happens! Now that your frustrated, you have to start finding that one spot that's ready to peel and start the process all over again. Unfortunately, that's the dreaded problem with many labels. Their just too stuck on with all that glue. I however, found a way that has worked for me every time.

Now, before I tell you my fantastic way of removing labels. I do want to make clear that my way IS NOT the only way that works. Soaking in hot soapy water for about 20 minutes and peeling and scraping up the residue with a razor blade works too, it's just very time consuming and sometimes requires more than one soak. I've seen other's run them thorough the dishwasher to remove those labels. Sometimes it requires two runs but it does eventually come off!

My secret..... GOO GONE

This little bottle of magic has cut down my work when removing labels from my jars and it's so simple to do and only takes a few minutes! Now you can try to remove most of the label beforehand to make the process a little faster but it's not going to change the outcome. That label doesn't stand a chance with that magic potion lol! 

To remove your label you will need:

  • One bottle of GOO GONE
  • Some paper towels
  • A towel
  • Some rubbing alcohol
  • scrapper of some sort i.e razor blade/credit card

Start by laying your towel out on the area where you are working because the GOO GONE is a bit on the messy side. Almost kind of a oil if you will. Almost like orange oil that you use on your furniture. If you don't want to clean up your work area afterwards I suggest taking this step.

Next you will need a couple of paper towels. Enough to fully wrap around the glass jar to cover the entire label area.

Saturate the paper towels with the GOO GONE and wrap around your jar making sure that the entire label is covered. Wait 10-20 minutes.

Unwrap the jar and take a razor blade or credit card, anything that's stiff really and scrape the label off. Scrape is not best term to use because it literally doesn't require that much effort once the GOO GONE has done it's job. 

Once you have the label removed take your rubbing alcohol and wipe down and clean the jar so that your paint or mod podge will adhere.  

IT WORKS! There you have it! Try it on your next glass project! I would love to hear if it worked for you! Don't forget to subscribe and stay update with all my crafting shenanigans!!! Stay crafty my friends!!


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